
  • Grade: 2
  • Points: 4
  • Secret: yes
  • ID: 187
  • Description: Love ... fire! So ... shiny! Must ... buuuurrrn!
  • Requirements:
    • Use 500 Dry Pieces of Wood on the fire of the Bewitched event's cauldron.

There are also the achievements Witches Lil' Helper, Banebringers' Bane and Honorary Witch for throwing 1, 50 and 500 ingredients in the cauldron and the achievements Bewitcher, Fire Lighter and Fire Devil related to the Bewitched event.

You can read about the discovery of Pyromaniac by Firdeso, Hunter of Dragoes and Lee kun in our article: What are Achievement IDs and how are they useful?

For a complete guide on the bewitched event achievements, read our article: The Witching Hour is upon us!