
Kill kill kill: Bestiary and Hunting Tasks Achievements

The Bestiary was added to Tibia with the Summer Update of 2017 and has been a huge success ever since. Not only the Charms unlocked through the bestiary are very strong and important for any player, the Bestiary brings out the completionist that exists in most Tibians. Our very own Pokédex with all regular Tibia creatures has been a major incentive to many Tibians who like to play for more than just levels. It comes as no surprise, then, that many achievement hunters are also Bestiary farmers. And as if fully unlocking all types of monsters wasn’t incentive enough, there are also 7 achievements related to the bestiary:

These achievements sounded like infinite monster killing when they were first implemented. But the meaning of “infinite killing” changed when CipSoft presented us with the Prey Hunting Tasks during the Winter Update of 2019. Prey Hunting Tasks are killing tasks which players complete to get Hunting Tasks Points (HTP). These points can be traded for some cosmetics, but most importantly, an outfit with its 2 addons and a mount. The biggest incentive for players to complete hunting tasks, and specially to dedicate time and money specifically on them, are the achievements:

  • Verminbane: Complete 100 easy Prey Hunting Tasks. (1 point)
  • Monsterhunter: Complete 200 medium Prey Hunting Tasks. (2 points)
  • Taskmaster: Complete 500 hard Prey Hunting Tasks. (3 points)
  • Steppe Elegance: Get the Antelope mount. (3 points)
  • Falconer: Get the full Falconer outfits. (2 points)

So, counting all Bestiary and Hunting Tasks achievements there are a total of 13 achievements worth 33 points that are all very similar and require killing some creatures hundreds or thousands of times. That’s not considering other existing achievements that require killing a certain number of creatures because compared to these, they are all relatively easy. And why are we talking about these two groups of achievements at the same time? Well, if you’re starting or in the middle of your life as an achievement hunter, it’s not a bad idea to work on them at the same time and make your life a bit easier. Let’s start with the easy ones, shall we?

The ones you shouldn’t worry about

The achievements Hunting Permit, Little Adventure, Contender and Skilled Hunter are all obtained if you work on the other ones. Furthermore, since they require a small amount of creatures, you’ll easily get them while leveling up and participating in events. The exception here may be Skilled Hunter, which can sound challenging depending on your level and playing style (like solo or with a team). Still, as you level up and start hunting stronger creatures you’ll eventually unlock 10 hard bestiary entries naturally.

Easy and Medium creatures: slow and steady

When the requirements are in the hundreds, things start to take time. Unlocking 100 easy and 100 medium creatures takes time, specially once you’ve gone through the super fast creatures and simple very-rare creatures, such as the Water Buffalo and event creatures. At the same time, completing 100 easy and 200 medium tasks takes a considerable amount of time, and you can’t push it too much because each hunting task slot can only be “used” once per day (or almost, as we’ll discuss below). Here are some tips that can help you on Little Big Adventure, Serious Contender, Verminbane and Monsterhunter:

  1. There are many Bestiary guides out there, so we won’t suggest creatures or strategies for those specifically. But as you probably know, Rapid Respawn weekends are amazing to go after bestiary of weak creatures that usually can’t be found in amounts enough to be killed fast.
  2. Pay attention to the Hunting Tasks you’re activating. Some creatures may look easy because they are weak, but there might not be many of them in the same hunting place and the task can take longer than you thought. Remember you can only cancel a task by paying gold.
  3. Whenever you can, take Hunting Tasks of creatures you have not completed the bestiary yet. Whenever you do that, you’ll be working on both achievements at the same time, and in the long run this can save you a lot of time.
  4. Generally speaking, avoid taking tasks of creatures that appear with many others in the same place, specially if they aren’t predominant in that location. For example, Lizard Snakecharmers are weak and easy to kill, but most creatures in Chor are actually Lizard Templars and Sentinels. So in order to kill 100 Lizard Snakecharmers you’ll end up killing 400 or more creatures.
    • The opposite is valid if you have the option of taking two tasks of creatures that spawn together. On this scenario, you’ll be getting two tasks done for the time investment of one! For this to work, always roll your prey slot one at a time and pay attention for creatures that appear together.
    • There might be a point where you’ll have a conflict between this tip and tip #3. For instance, you may want to take the Lizard Snakecharmers task because you still don’t have its bestiary unlocked and it’s a good alternative among the creatures you haven’t unlocked yet. The idea here is doing what’s best in the long run, but the truth is that you cannot run away from some annoying creatures forever.
  5. If on a given day you cannot complete a task but you rolled a good creature, you should consider just activating it. Then, the next day when you complete this task, you’ll automatically roll a new list of creatures. This means that in practice you can complete 4 tasks in one day, or 6 if you have the third slot. This strategy can also save you a lot of time if your available time varies from day to day.

Even if you follow all this suggestions, these achievements are still time consuming. With only two slots, you’ll need 150 days to do the 300 tasks required for Verminbane and Monsterhunter. That’s quite some time, not counting days you’ll probably miss. This time can be reduced to 100 days with the third Hunting Task slot, but in our opinion this slot, which costs 750 TC, is not worth it for the easy and medium tasks alone.

Hard creatures: a lot of time and investment

The achievements related to hard creatures are, obviously, more complicated to get for anyone. If the monster’s strength wasn’t enough, CipSoft also decided that Taskmaster would require 500 tasks, a lot more than the achievements related to the weaker creatures. These 500 tasks alone take at least 167 days to complete, and that’s if you finish them all in one day, which may not always be the case.

Finding the balance

The cherry on top here are the costs of the Falconer outfit and the Antelope mounts. You’ll need 315,000 HTP to get both of them. After getting Verminbane and Monsterhunter, assuming you only did the lower amount tasks, you’ll only have about 12,000 points (that number will of course vary depending on your luck with the task stars). Even if you decide to only take 50 and 200 kills tasks, your total points after the two achievements would be 24,000, not even 10% of the points required for the outfit and mount. What this means is that it’s almost impossible to get any of them, let alone both, without Hard tasks, specially in a reasonable time and without investing a lot of Tibia Coins. Even if you did invest in 200 kills tasks with 5 stars you would need more than 1600 tasks (over 500 days with 3 slots). And all that investment would not help you with Taskmaster at all. Let’s talk about Hard tasks!

Assume a character gets 15,000 HTP from the Easy and Medium tasks required for the corresponding achievements and that he/she did that before working on Hard tasks. This means that 300,000 HTP are necessary to get the outfit and mount. Since we’re looking at completing 500 tasks, 600 HTP per hard task are required. The ultimate goal here is to finish the 500th task with the needed amount of HTP to unlock either the outfit or mount (the other being unlocked already). The table below is very important to plan this:

Bestiary Level Amount Reward Level HTP HTP / Kill Amount Reward Level HTP HTP / Kill
Hard / Challenging 400 ★☆☆☆☆ 160 0.40 800 ★☆☆☆☆ 320 0.40
★★☆☆☆ 208 0.52 ★★☆☆☆ 416 0.52
★★★☆☆ 270 0.68 ★★★☆☆ 541 0.68
★★★★☆ 352 0.88 ★★★★☆ 703 0.88
★★★★★ 457 1.14 ★★★★★ 914 1.14

The first thing that we notice is that you cannot get the required HTP with 500 tasks by only taking 400 kills tasks, because those yield less than 600 HTP each. At the same time, you don’t need to complete 500 tasks of 800 kills with 5 stars – that’s 50% more HTP than you really need. Finding this balance is what you should be looking for when working on these achievements. Since there are 500 tasks to complete, however, the exact numbers only start making difference once you have complete a lot of tasks. For example, you could complete 200 tasks of 400 kills / 1 star for a total of 32,000 HTP and after that 300 tasks of 800 kills / 5 stars for 274,200 HTP, and you’ll get the 300,000 HTP you need.

It’s not only about killing

By now, it’s clear that you’ll need prey wildcards to get these achievements in a reasonable time. Not only you’ll need to spend cards to choose the creature you’re going to hunt, you’ll often need to use cards to boost the reward level as well. This means that these achievements are not only about time but also about a considerable amount of money. In fact, they are one of the most expensive achievements out there. The three achievements combined, which are worth 8 achievement points, cost approximately 600–650kk gold (considering the price of Tibia Coins to be 40k each). That’s more expensive than the Soul War addons and mounts (which also give 8 points each), for example, and only cheaper than the super expensive achievements like Alumni, Vortex Tamer and Running the Rift. At the same time, you can’t simply get them by spending all that cash at once, so it may be wise to start investing in these Hunting Tasks if you’re thinking in the long run. The sooner you start, the cheaper it will be since you can use the 3 free prey wildcards you get every week for that.

And what’s the best way to make use of these cards? As we already discussed, this may not make a lot of difference at first, but here’s the strategy we consider worth following:

  • When you use cards to select the creature, take a task to kill 800 of them, and bump it to 5 stars. This will ensure these 2 cards you use first will give you the highest amount of HTP they could. Sometimes you’ll get 5 stars straight away, but on most cases you’ll need 2 more cards to increase the reward level, which means an average of 4 for each task. These numbers can be calculated based on two probabilities: the statistics from TibiaWiki on the chances of starting at each reward level and the 50/50 chance of jumping 1 or 2 levels when boosting the reward. Since each card costs 10 TC, you can assume you’ll spend an average of 40 TC per 914 HTP task.
  • When you take a 400 kills task, don’t use cards to bump the rewards, and try to only get these tasks when they come for free on your daily roll. These tasks will give you very few HTP, but they have the advantage of being free, faster and obviously counting for the 500 tasks goal. The small amount of HTPs should be balanced, in the long run, by the 914 HTP you get for each 800 kills task you invested in.

We feel like this strategy is enough until you have completed at least 300 tasks, maybe even 400. Once you’re at this final stretch, however, you’ll have to check how many points you have and do some math. If you did lots and lots of 914 HTP tasks, you will start investing less, not boosting all tasks to 5 stars and/or buying 400 kills tasks with cards. On the other hand, if you still need a lot of points, it’s time to invest more and avoid 400 kills tasks and boost the reward more often. To be able to do this, we strongly recommend that you keep track of how many tasks you have completed. You can simply count each task, or you can be like some of us and register every single one of them! Either way, this will be very helpful when planning. If you lose track or already started, you can always send a ticket to CipSoft’s Support and ask them about your progress in Master Hunter (but you are not advised to do it very often otherwise they won’t like it and might take longer to answer you).

If you hunt somewhere with 3 creatures in similar amounts, running three tasks at once is probably a good idea.

The actual hunts you’ll go to do the tasks vary from player to player. Because of the amount of tasks, most players will try to find hunts that are common hunts for experience and/or money with the tasks. For solo players, a popular hunting task is Flimsy Lost Souls because it’s a hunt with only one creature, so a 800 kill tasks doesn’t take as long as most other creatures would. Another good option is Werelions and Werelionesses, which are two of the weakest creatures categorized as hard in the bestiary and have very good loot.

For those hunting with the same team daily (or almost daily), you should be killing anything between 400 and 800 creatures of each type on spawns like Secret Library, Soul War areas or Kilmaresh Goanas. Regardless of that, if you hunt the same place every day you can simply leave a task open and complete it the next hunt if you kill say 600 of a certain creature. Just be careful not to lock your slot with a task you are not going to finish soon!

Another important thing to talk about is the third Hunting Task Slot and whether or not it’s worth the 750 TC it costs. For the easy and medium tasks only, it’s definitely not worth it, so if you’re currently not working on hard tasks you probably shouldn’t worry about it. It’s harder to assess its value for the hard tasks, however. The first benefit of the third slot is another free daily roll, which will eventually give you tasks you would otherwise buy. But the biggest reason to get it is probably running three tasks at once. Most popular hunting places with hard creatures have 3 or more creatures, so whenever you’re hunting in these places you could be working on 3 tasks simultaneously.

Master Hunter

And what about Master Hunter? Hard tasks and bestiaries are harder to do together. Surely, you may end up taking 400 kill tasks of hard creatures you get for free and still don’t have their bestiary, but that won’t happen very often. At the same time, it’s usually not worth paying for these types of tasks. But the biggest issue with Master Hunter is that it requires lots creatures that aren’t really worth hunting, so you’ll only kill them until you unlock their bestiary and leave them be. If you’re near the end of your Taskmaster journey and considering paying for 400 kills tasks, you may consider choosing creatures you still have yet to unlock, but there’s a good chance this hunting task will take longer than most other tasks you’ve done so far.

All in all, these achievements require, like many others, a lot of time, effort and money. For many players it may feel like they are impossible, but haven’t you also thought this about other achievements you have completed? It’s not because someone did all of them in the shortest amount of time possible that you also have to. The important thing is, as always, to take your time, plan ahead and most importantly, enjoy yourself.


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